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Spotkanie naukowe – Cecilia Woloch

Spotkania Naukowe Instytutu Literaturoznawstwa:

Katedra Modernizmu Europejskiego

Zakład Literaturoznawstwa Transkulturowego WNH UKSW

Cecylia Woloch:

Navigating the Liminal: An American Poet in the Borderlands

After the presentation, there will be a discussion of the translation process, including not only the challenges of translating literary works from one language into another, but such questions as: How do we translate the inner life into language, quotidian experience into literature, the past into the present, the future into ourselves?

Wykład i dyskusja – w języku angielskim.

Spotkanie odbędzie się  13 czerwca 2022 r.,  w sali 410 A w Kampusie Dewajtis, o godzinie 15.00.


dr hab. Anna Szczepan-Wojnarska, prof. ucz.

Cecilia Woloch is a poet, writer, teacher, and performer based in Los Angeles. She has published essays, reviews, a novel and six award-winning collections of poems, most recently Earth (Two Sylvias Press 2014) and Carpathia (BOA Editions, Ltd. 2009). Her second collection, Tsigan: The Gypsy Poem, first published in 2002, appeared in French translation as Tzigane, le poème, Gitan, from Scribe-l’Harmattan in 2014; an expanded and updated edition in English was issued by Two Sylvias Press in 2018. The text of Tsigan has been the basis for multilingual, multi-media performances in Los Angeles, Paris, Warsaw, Athens and elsewhere. A section of the poem was included in an exhibit at Auschwitz-Birkenau called “Through the Lens of Faith,” commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the camp. Ms. Woloch’s honors include a Pushcart Prize and fellowships from the Fulbright Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, CEC/ArtsLink International and the Center for International Theatre Development. She collaborates regularly with musicians, dancers, visual artists, theatre artists and filmmakers. In addition to French, her work has been published in translation in German, Polish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Ukrainian and Romanes.

10 czerwca 2022